Tuesday, 28 May 2013


There are many misconceptions surrounding the correct use of hash tags on social media websites - Twitter especially. Unfortunately, because of this many businesses are using hash tags incorrectly online and as a result are deterring their online business status.
A hashtag is a word or a phrase prefixed with the symbol #. This is a form of meta-tag (the way Google and other search facilities read information) and is used highly through social media and microblogging sites, like Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+. Not just Twitter – as many people seem to believe.

Let us give you some correct examples of using hashtags within social media.
“@MarketingSMEs: Thoroughly enjoyed the East Midlands Conference Centre F2B Breakfast event! #BNIF2B :)”
A couple of our team recently attended a 'BNI Forward 2 Business Breakfast event.' At the event the speackers announced a specific hash tag so that any posts could be targeted and specific. If anyone else joined in this hashtag it would come up in a news feed and would be a great way to communicate with other attendees of the event.

In example, #BNIF2B event today - saw @andy_bounds in action again - great talk on improving your sales” was a different twitter account who hopped into the hash tag and so it also came up in the news feed alongside Easy Marketing’s post.

Hopefully this blog has given you some insights into how you should be using #hashtags on social media sites. Be SPECIFIC and use them right - and you can do your business the world of good!

For more insights into using social media commercially, contact the friendly team Easy Marketing for support on 0115 8402015
Or you can contact our Chesterfield office on 01246 252855.

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